Multi-language guide to connecting to CockroachDB

We often get asked how do we interact with CockroachDB from various different programming languages. This blog aims to show you how to do this from languages such as Java, Python and Microsoft code bases

1. Python

To connect to CockroachDB from Python, you can use the psycopg2 library. Here's some example code:

Replace your-hostname, your-database, your-username, and your-password with your actual database credentials.

2. Java

To connect to CockroachDB from Java, you can use the JDBC driver. Here's some example code:

Replace your-hostname, your-database, your-username, and your-password with your actual database credentials.

3. Node.js

To connect to CockroachDB from Node.js, you can use the pg library. Here's some example code:

Replace your-hostname, your-database, your-username, and your-password with your actual database credentials.

These examples should give you a good starting point for connecting to CockroachDB from your preferred programming language. Remember to always follow best practices for securely storing and transmitting your database credentials.

3. Go

Connecting to CockroachDB from Go is straightforward and can be accomplished using the lib/pq library. Here's some example code:

Replace your-hostname, your-database, your-username, and your-password with your actual database credentials.

In this example, we use sql.Open() to create a connection to the CockroachDB instance. We then execute a query using db.Query() and iterate over the result set using rows.Next(). Finally, we use rows.Scan() to extract the values of each row and print them to the console.

Remember to always follow best practices for securely storing and transmitting your database credentials.

From a Microsoft perspective here are some common connection examples that could come in handy!

1. C#

To connect to CockroachDB from C#, you can use the Npgsql library. Here's some example code:

Replace your-hostname, your-database, your-username, and your-password with your actual database credentials.


To connect to CockroachDB from VB.NET, you can also use the Npgsql library. Here's some example code:

Replace your-hostname, your-database, your-username, and your-password with your actual database credentials.

3. PowerShell

To connect to CockroachDB from PowerShell, you can use the Npgsql library as well. Here's some example code:

Replace your-hostname, your-database, your-username, and your-password with your actual database credentials.

Hopefully, these examples should give you a good starting point for connecting to CockroachDB from Microsoft's programming languages. Remember to always follow best practices for securely storing and transmitting your database credentials.