DevOps culture: The need of the day.
In today's fast-paced world, time has become a crucial element of any business. Every business strives to develop its products faster and launch them into the market.
Thus, organisations need to adapt to the ever-changing trends and quickly develop, deploy and update their software to match this environment.
This need has led companies to incorporate a DevOps culture in their functionalities.
What exactly is DevOps?
DevOps is a combination of Development and Operations. When these two domains are united, the resulting philosophy enables faster product releases, minimal waste, and enhances the end-user experience.
When Development and Operation teams work together, they can achieve the target efficiently and quickly.
DevOps culture boosts cross-functional collaboration and shared responsibilities.
Who's leading the DevOps culture?
Kubernetes is evolving as the a core part in the space of a DevOps culture particularly in the micros-service architecture space. Other popular tools include Terraform/Pulumi and Ansible. Kubernetes or K8's technology goes hand in hand with the DevOps Culture.
Not only does Kubernetes support a continuous learning DevOps culture, but it empowers standardised and centralised workflows. This helps in streamlining the tasks and reduces miscommunications eliminating a lot of the human error involved with these processes.
The deployment configuration in Kubernetes is version managed, which allows Development, Operations, Quality Assurance, and security team members to collaborate and develop end-to-end DevOps workflows.
The DevOps culture advocates key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs help in monitoring the performance of the DevOps culture. Kubernetes supports this principle to the core. By using Kubernetes, anyone can readily track the state of resources for all deployed application and services.
Kubernetes also helps in increasing resource utilisation and helps in overcoming the drawbacks of conventional hardware based systems.
CockroachDB on Kubernetes
CockroachDB on Kubernetes enables easy deployment without tying you up with any vendor. CockroachDB is the only Distributed Database that helps you complete rolling software updates and patches with no downtime. Furthermore, its default pod disruption policy is one node at a time meaning it truly is a database that can survive anything. CockroachDb was architected to be able to run on Kubernetes. There are multiple deployment methods including The CockroachDB K8s Operator, The Helm Chart and the Stateful Set Configs, Meaning CockroachDB makes it easy to deploy on Kubernetes infrastructure.
To add to that, CockroachDB dramatically simplifies the scaling process. CockroachDB can expand or reduce with no limits meaning its perfect for cloud-scale without the hassle of Manual Sharding.
With CockroachDB on Kubernetes, you can build data-intensive applications and deploy them with great ease!
To manage the modern workflow, CockroachDB on Kubernetes is an absolute must. To know more about CockroachDB on Kubernetes, visit the link here.
In Summary
In DevOps, teams become more flexible, adaptable and enforce the required changes without waiting for approvals though Continuous Integrations and Continuous Delivery pipelines. These qualities make an organisation more enabled, efficient, and innovative. It results in optimising the business as a whole. The growth-focused mindset helps in paving new ways to take a business to a new level altogether.